Hey wait a minute! The week escaped me and I didn't get to share some exciting news with you guys! I'm in Nantucket! What? With all of this talk of Hurricane Sandy...I have decided to escape over to My Crafty Home Life for Linda's 31 Days of Nantucket Style.
For those of you that have never met Linda, or her fantastic blog, I discovered her with her infamous One Room Challenge . She is the brainchild behind this wonderfully creative and fun 6 week challenge. And she is also notorious for finding incredible things on craigslist.
I am truly honored that she asked me to participate in her series...
Here is a sneak peak of what you'll find over on her blog when I transformed some of my rooms into Nantucket style..., Now get on over there and check them OUT!

If you've never been to My Crafty Home, please pop on over there and leave a comment under my post to let me know what ya think!
And Thank you Linda for the opportunity!!
What a fabulous place in Nantucket!!!
So glad to have had you. You did an amazing job with you makeover. Now go buy batteries and bottled water. Yikes!!
Great job Heather! I went over to Linda's and love her site! This is fun!
2012 Artists Series
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