Monday, April 28, 2014

Perfect Choice for Boy's Shades

Last week, I asked readers to cast their votes on Instagram and Facebook about their favorite fabric selection for roman shades for my son's bedroom.  (Recall here). 

Today, I'm revealing my selection:

Choice #3!

 Here's my thought process behind the decision:

I'm usually all about color!  (For proof, visit some of the rooms in my house).  Initially, I loved that the multi-colored fabric had all of the colors from the vintage map wallpaper.  But it felt too childish for me.  My son is seven now, but I wanted something that felt a bit more grown up and mature. 

I toyed back and forth between option 2 and 3.  I loved the light linen feeling to option 2.  It appropriately tied in the beige and grey tones in both papers.  But, in the end, the last choice seemed to make the same connection in a more bold and masculine way.  The fabric is going to sit directly on top of the vintage map paper and choice #3 seemed to represent itself the best! 

I have been on a massive house project frenzy the last few weeks.  I have an exciting event happening at my house at the end of May and I'm eagerly trying to prepare. 

I've been making over my son and daughter's rooms (some sneak peaks available on instagram). 

Check back soon for more updates on these projects!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Masculine but not childish...what's YOUR choice?

I started a poll on Instagram and decided I'd ask for feedback here too. 

I'm making over my 7 year old son's bedroom and asked followers to vote for their favorite choice of fabric for roman shades.  I want something masculine without being too "kiddy."

I'm wallpapering the ceiling in the tree house bark Thibaut Rodanthe in Grey (Pattern T10071).
Two of the main walls will be in the Vintage Global Map wallpaper from Design Your Wall

The fabric selections above are choices for the roman shades and they will be against the global map wallpaper. 

I have since made my decision but I'm curious to see what you'd select:

Choice #1 adds color and ties in the countries from the map paper. 
Choice #2 is a linen fabric that ties in the beige and pewter accents in both papers.
Choice #3 is a more bold fabric but also ties in the browns and grays in the room. 

What would you select? 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hillstead May Market Event in Connecticut!

Today, I'd like to invite my local Central Connecticut friends to a fun event scheduled for May 9th and 10th.   

I am fortunate to live right in Farmington, Connecticut, the home of many historical landmarks, including the Hill-Stead Museum.  (For more on Farmington, read Farmington Dawn Lombardi Style

Courtesy of Design Megillah

Each year, the Hill-Stead Museum welcomes the arrival of spring with a two-day gardening and crafts event.  More than 75 exhibitors set up booths all throughout the beautiful grounds of the Hillstead.  They offer amazing antiques and hand-made arts and crafts for the home as well as exquisite flowers, plants and trees for the garden.

Courtesy of Design Megillah

Courtesy of Design Megillah

While this in itself is enough to attend this event,  I am pleased to share that this year's keynote speaker is the wonderfully fabulous interior designer, Holly Holden!  Recall my previous post about Holly here

Courtesy of Holly Holden

Holly is a local Farmington, Connecticut resident (in fact she lives in my FAVORITE historical mansion on Main Street, Fox Hall).  I connected with Holly through my fab friend, Krystian Von Speidel (The Fanciest Tag Sale In Connecticut). 

At 11am on Friday and Saturday (May 9th and 10th), Holly will be sharing secrets from her newly published book The Pretty and Proper Living Room, A Guide to Timeless and Elegant Design in a talk titled "Six Secrets for Inviting Interiors," followed by a book signing and a la carte lunch in the Makeshift Theater. 

I would love for any and all of my local friends to join me for Holly's talk (and to enjoy a wonderful spring day on the Hillstead Grounds perusing the wares).  Admission to hear Holly Holden speak is $50 and includes admission to the May Market (all of the exhibitors) as well as lunch!

I will be attending with a few friends on Friday May 9th.  I'd love to have your company, too!
You can purchase tickets here.  I promise you won't be disappointed.   

Additional Information about the event directly from the Hillstead Website:

ADMISSION: $12 general admission; $10 museum members; free to children 12 and under, prior to May 4. $15 day of event. General admission includes entrance to all arts & crafts, home & garden exhibitors, daily demonstrations, live music, children's activities, self-guided tours of Hill-Stead Museum with its renowned Impressionist art collection, enjoyment of the museum's historic grounds and Sunken Garden. Fee for the May Market keynote speaker, Holly Holden, is $50 (includes general admission). SEE BELOW for details on all of the above.

Throughout the two days, visitors will experience gardening experts presenting seasonal demonstrations, knowledgeable Master Gardeners providing advice, musicians and dancers entertaining in the food court, and Monet’s Café and Bakery offering delicious sandwiches, soups, salads, and sweet treats. Additionally, treasure hunters will want to arrive early to be the first to Theodate’s Attic, where they will find a large selection of collectibles, linens, artwork, glassware, gardening books, jewelry, and more for sale.  Organized and presented by the museum’s dedicated Hill-Steaders volunteers, May Market includes self-guided museum tours of Theodate Pope’s 1901 Colonial Revival mansion.  Presenting Sponsor: Simsbury Bank.

All names will be kept on a reservation list for check-in at the event. THANK YOU!
To buy tickets by phone, contact Becky Trutter at 860.677.4787 ext 132 or

This major benefit event is organized by The Hill-Steaders, the museum's core volunteer group.