Friday, March 29, 2013

DIY Easter Garland

The kids and I got creative today and made Easter garland from plastic eggs and twine.  Easy as pie.  We hung it in my master bedroom.  


Here's how:

I applied a bit of tape to the end of a string of twine so it was easy to thread the twine through the plastic eggs. 

The eggs already had little holes in the tops and bottoms. 

Once the egg was threaded, I tied a little knot in the twine so that each egg would keep a bit of space between each other. 

You could also hang these vertically (e.g. from a doorway or hanging lamp). 

Simple and fun for the kids to partake in.

Happy almost Easter (if you celebrate). 


Heather | Vivid Hue Home


Karena said...

Brilliant and I also love your art as well Heather.
Happy Easter!

Art by Karena

Lisa Mende said...

Happy Easter Heather! Love your painting!

Ryoma Sakamoto.Japan said...

Good morning.
Happy Easter.
Very cute idea!
Impressed by the beautiful design!
: D: D: D
Ryoma Sakamoto.

Julie Taylor and Danni Greenwalt said...

Have a great Easter....

Jessie said...

What a great idea! Love that it's so simple to make.

Hope you had a wonderful Easter!
