In anticipation for my vacation to the lake last week, I created many camp-related posts (Recall Camp Wandawega , A Campy Fourth, and Welcome to the Lake). I knew I was enamoured with the lake house style and Adirondack decor even before I set foot on the lake in Upstate New York. What I hadn't prepared myself for is to be completely over-taken with the tranquil lifestyle of 'camp.' My family of four rented a house with Nana and Papa for the week.
We also had plenty of friends and family to join us in other houses along the lake. Including, our Aunt Lynda and Uncle Paul's (AL and UP) camp. Immediately, I fell in love with the kitchy decor of their 'camp.' Welcome to "Land's End."
This is in the front sitting room over looking the lake. What I love is that each part of the decoration has a meaning and makes a statement. From the black and white wedding photos to the decoy hunting ducks. I loved the rowing oar filled with vintage fishing lures. These lures are decorations in and of themselves. Each one is a little work of art.
The wood house is cedar painted with vivid red trim, including all exterior doors and windows. AL and UP (as we affectionately call them) keep the front door open so the breeze from the lake can fill the rooms of the house. It's not unusual for them to sip their coffee here in the mornings...and drink their vino here in the evenings. We hunkered down in this room during a brief thundershower on the fourth. I never wanted to leave.
There are canoes for a stroll around the lake. UP is also an avid fisherman so he has a fisherman's boat. He took our kiddos out for a morning and they each caught 6 perch. (Thanks to UP who would lure the fish to the bait and then hand off the pole to a child to reel in and check to see if there might be a fish on the hook). Thanks to UP's marvelous fishing style, our kids have fallen in love with the hobby.
There is a summer camp that offers 3 week and 7 week sessions. They teach their campers how to wind surf and sail. These are some of their stock.
The camp is ready for the fourth of July!
I fell in love with everything "campy." There are so many vintage style artifacts that are excellent accessories to a lake house. Check out some below.
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Uncle Paul and Aunt Lynda Caricature |
Doesn't this look like a scene out of Wes Anderson's film 'Moonrise Kingdom?" This is part of the summer camp for kids--this section is electricity free! So these kids are really roughing it!
This was our view from the boat. Wow, no wonder I returned from vacation so relaxed!
The kids thoroughly enjoyed themselves. We filled our days listening to music, coloring, boating, fishing, playing with pals, swimming, sleeping, roasting smores, watching the sunset and visiting with friends. There was even time to re-enact some Ninja Samurai moves (below).
The weather was warm during the day but cool at night. The perfect blend of temperature (considering it was 90 degrees at home!). We slept with our windows open and the ceiling fans running and were actually a bit cool at night. This is one of the many unforgettable sunsets!
We've already booked our return for next year!
It's been one campy summer at Vivid Hue Home! Check out some of the other nods to Camp here:
Welcome to the Lake
A 'Campy' Fourth
Camp Wandawega
Land of Nod Goes to Camp
Relaxing Adirondack Style
This lake house is very charming, love the plank ceilings and the mounted antlers! Sounds like a fun vacation!
By the way, I am hosting a fabulous giveaway! Come by and enter for a chance to win $100 credit towards a beautiful personalized canvas!
Trust me, this is a giveaway you don't want to miss!
@Jessie: I'm headed over to mixandchic now for that giveaway! Thanks for the head's up!
Love the Lake house pictures. Beautiful crisp weather and so much to do on that pretty lake. We can't wait for next year!
Heather, to enter the giveaway, simply go to the link below:
Then, just click on the "37 comments" button and you will be directed to a comment box.
You will have a maximum of 9 chances to win, good luck!
P/S: Let me know if you are not sure about anything. I don't want you to miss out! :)
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